My guest on the blog today is author Jeff Probst. Jeff is answering my #ThreeTwoOne quick-fire questions about his book When the Moon Was White.

Tell me THREE things about your latest book

Excerpts from three Amazon reviewers’ comments on my novel:

‘the author clearly has a love for the sound and rhythm of words; he is the most magnificent master of alluring alliteration’

‘charming and idiosyncratic, with a joyful soul’

a wonderfully light touch to the prose and a totally original storyline’ 

Tell me about TWO of the characters in your book

Both main characters work for NASA in the fictional American town of Goodmews.

Banno Culdrun is a 35-year-old man whose main concern in life is to always tell the truth. When he discovers his boss’s plan to use a NASA rocket to paint the moon, he knows he should tell someone; but he has signed NASA’s oath of secrecy and feels he must keep his word.

Francine Robb is an astro-geologist and also a colour scientist. She unwittingly creates the paint that will be sent to the moon, and her worries about Banno lead her to trying to solve the riddle in the middle of this tale.

Tell me ONE good reason why people should read your book!

There is no sex or drugs, but there is plenty of rock and roll and, at the end, an uplifting story.

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